Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Happy Birthday Nana


Your son did the flowers for the altar on Sunday, just as you showed him when he was a callow youth. He did them in honor of your birthday today, and because we all miss you so, not just your firstborn, but me and your grandchildren in New York, and your beloveds in Antigua, too. This year, he also held his dad in his heart as he arranged the tropical blooms. I gazed at the flowers in their gleaming silver vases on the polished wood of the altar, and I imagined you both together, looking down, smiling.


  1. I'm getting caught up here. I've missed reading and looking at the outrageously gorgeous photos you put up. Lots going on. Isn't that the way things are?

  2. Beautiful church, gorgeous flowers, and what a fine thing your man does to honor his parents.
